Acro Trip

Chizuko Date is an otaku girl who lives in a city in Niigata Prefecture. Chizuko is obsessed with Berry Blossom, the magical girl who protects the city. However, Chroma — the leader of the local evil organization Fossa Magna — is inept and weak, so hardly anyone else cares about Berry Blossom and Chroma's frequent battles anymore. Chizuko vows to shine a light on the magical girl's exploits — and this fervent desire takes this seemingly shy middle school girl down a dark path filled with strange folks...

Season 1 - Acro Trip
"Date Chizuko is a generally unenthusiastic seventh grader who's been sent to stay with her Grandfather. However, her life changes drastically when she becomes a superfan of the local magical girl and is approached by her nemesis."
"Chizuko and Kuroma are fronted by a knife-wielding robber at the convenience store. Berry Blossom may, or may not, come to their rescue."
"Chrome issues Berry Blossom an official notice of his intent to commit an evil deed. However, a sudden storm hits, and he loses all motivation to follow through on his villainous declaration. Chizuko is forced to take matters into her own hands."
"Chrome decides that Fossa Magna cannot continue without an evil general and formally withdraws his evil organization from Naniga City. Chizuko quickly realizes it's no fun to watch a magical girl if she's not combating evil."